λ³Έλ¬Έ λ°”λ‘œκ°€κΈ°
μš”κ°€/μš”κ°€ 수트라

κ΅¬λ‚˜: ν”„λΌν¬λ¦¬λ μ˜ μ„Έ 가지 ꡬ성 μš”μ†Œ (feat, Savasana μ‚¬λ°”μ‚¬λ‚˜)

by 아샀 ASHA 2021. 2. 2.



πŸ’œ κ΅¬λ‚˜ 


물질, μžμ—°, ν”„λΌλ„λ¦¬λ μ˜ μ„±μ§ˆμ„ λ‚˜νƒ€λ‚΄λŠ” κ΅¬μ„±μš”μ†Œ.

μ„Έ κ°€μ§€μ˜ ꡬ성 μš”μ†Œλ₯Ό 가지고 μžˆλ‹€. 




β–ͺSattva (μƒ€λœ¨λ°”;μ‹Έλ“œμ™€) 


   β”” κ³ μš”ν•¨, λͺ…λ£Œ, 가벼움, λͺ…ν™•,

눈이 뢀심(μ•„μ£Ό 밝음), λΉ›(ε…‰) : 곡기

        ;Prakasa(ν”„λΌκΉŒμƒ€) ;clear, lucid, light



β–ͺ Tamas(νƒ€λ§ˆμŠ€)


  β”” 움직이지 μ‹«μ–΄ν•˜λŠ” 것,

κ΄€μ„±, 둔함, 무거움 : 지ꡬ

        ; Sthiti(μŠ€ν‹°λ ) λΉ„ν™œλ™, 정체함.

;inertia(λΆˆν™œλ°œμ„±), dull, heavy




β–ͺ Rajas(라자슀) 


   β”” 뢈의 μ—λ„ˆμ§€ 같은,

ꡉμž₯히 ν™œλ™μ μΈ 것,

ν™œλ™μ„± : 뢈(火)









μ„Έ κ°€μ§€μ˜ ꡬ성 μš”μ†Œλ“€μ΄ 

본격적으둜 ν™œλ™ν•˜λŠ” ꡬ체적인 세계가 이 세계.

└─ μš°λ¦¬κ°€ μ‚΄κ³  μžˆλŠ” 이 세계.



λͺ¨λ“  μ„Έ 가지 ꡬ성 μš”μ†Œκ°€ 평행 μƒνƒœμ— μžˆμ„ λ•Œ,

= ν”„λΌλ‚˜, 힘이 μžˆλ‹€. 


그듀은 (κ΅¬λ‚˜λ“€μ€) λ¬Όμ§ˆμ— 영ν–₯을 주지 μ•ŠλŠ”λ‹€.




κ·ΈλŸ¬λ‚˜ κ΅¬λ‚˜λ“€μ— μ‘°κΈˆμ΄λΌλ„

약간이라도 λ™μš”κ°€ 있으면

그것은 물질의 μ›€μ§μž„μ„ μΌμœΌν‚€λ©°,

λͺ¨λ“  μ’…λ₯˜μ˜ ν˜•νƒœλ“€μ„ μΌμœΌν‚¨λ‹€κ³  함.




κ·ΈλŸ¬λ‚˜ κ΅¬λ‚˜λŠ”

긍정적인, 뢀정적인 μš”μ†Œκ°€ 있음.




예λ₯Ό λ“€μ–΄,



긍정적인- λΏŒλ¦¬λ‚΄λ €μ Έ 있음, μ•ˆμ •μ . 

뢀정적인- λ‘”ν•˜κ³  κ²ŒμœΌλ¦„.



νƒ€λ§ˆμŠ€λΌλŠ” μš”μ†ŒλŠ”

크게 보면 ν•œ 가지 μ˜λ―Έμ΄μ§€λ§Œ

긍정, 뢀정적인 μš”μ†Œλ‘œ

λ‚˜λˆŒ 수 μžˆλ‹€λŠ” 점이닀.


두 가지λ₯Ό 보면 κ²°κ΅­ 같은 속성을

κ°€μ§„λ‹€λŠ” 것을 μ•Œ 수 μžˆλ‹€.













Each guna has its own characteristics. The essence of sattva is to act like a transparent pane of glass,

allowing lightβ€”the light of conscious awarenessβ€”to reveal itself in the operations of the mind and in nature. Sattva is not enlightenment itself but it unveils what is true and real (sat). It shows itself as beauty, balance, and inspiration, and it promotes life, energy, health, and contentment. Cultivating sattvaβ€”by making choices in life that elevate awareness and foster unselfish joyβ€”is a principal goal of yoga.





Tamas conceals the presence of consciousness. It causes dullness and ignorance through its power to obscure. Its nature is heavy and dense. One Sanskrit synonym for tamas is sthiti, or β€œsteady.” In its more sattvic garb, tamas can supply a steadying influence in lifeβ€”for example, bed rest can lead to healing. But tamas is primarily immobilizing: tamasic foods are lifeless, stale, or impure; tamasic entertainment is mindless and intoxicating. Tamas leads to inaction when action is required. Each of us has experienced the binding power of tamasβ€”the appeal of lethargy, procrastination, and sleep.




Rajas is the energy of change. It is distinguished by passion, desire, effort, and pain. Its activity may cause movement either toward sattva (increased spiritual understanding) or tamas (increased ignorance). Thus it may act positively or negatively. But it is most often characterized as unsteady, agitated, and unhappyβ€”prompting change for change’s sake alone. If freshly picked tomatoes are sattvic, spicy tomato sauce is rajasicβ€”good for a Friday night pizza, but perhaps not an everyday meal choice. Rajas brings happiness by prompting the coupling of the senses with their objects. Thus rajas also binds us to attachment, to the fruits of action, and to sensory pleasures of every kind.



The three gunas are constantly interacting with one another. We can discern hints of this interplay in English phrases such as β€œinnocent pleasure” (sattva-infused rajas) or β€œrabid addiction” (rajas-propelled tamas). But while the gunas themselves are permanent in essenceβ€” having emerged from primordial nature (prakriti)β€”their interactions are transitory and afford only a false impression of permanence. In this way, the play of the gunas obscures the real (sat), and attracts and binds us to what is ultimately unreal (asat).








Unmanifest prakriti is a reservoir of limitless potential

 consisting of three fundamental forces called the gunas

β€”sattva, rajas, and tamasβ€”in balance with each other.

 Through the interplay of these forces,

prakriti manifests as the universe.

Therefore, all that can be known in this world,

tangible and intangible, is a manifestation of

the gunas in their various forms.






πŸ™Œ Savasana μ‚¬λ°”μ‚¬λ‚˜ 

 from λ°μ΄λΉ„λ“œ μŠ€μŠΉλ‹˜πŸ’—πŸ™


프라크리띠 μ˜μ—­μ—μ„œλŠ”

μ„Έ κ°€μ§€μ˜ μ„±μ§ˆμ„ λŠλ‚„ 수 있음.

이것이 μ€‘μš”ν•˜λ‹€.







μ‚¬νŠΈλ°” & νƒ€λ§ˆμŠ€


이 두 가지λ₯Ό λŠλ‚„ 수 μžˆλ‹€.






μš”κ°€ μ•„μ‚¬λ‚˜ 수련이 λλ‚˜κ³ 

μ‚¬λ°”μ‚¬λ‚˜μ˜ μˆœκ°„μ—

λͺΈμ΄ κ°€λ²Όμš΄ μƒνƒœμ—μ„œ

또 λ‚΄ λͺΈμ„ 무겁게 μ§€λ©΄μœΌλ‘œ λ‚΄λ €μ•‰λŠ”

μ΄μ™„λœ μƒνƒœλ₯Ό κ²½ν—˜ν•˜κ²Œ λ˜λŠ”.


κ·Έ μƒνƒœμ— 따라 

κ·Έ 수련의 집쀑, μƒνƒœλ₯Ό

μ•Œ 수 μžˆλ‹¬κΉŒ..







그리고 κ΅¬λ‚˜!


이 κ°œλ…μ— λŒ€ν•΄μ„œ λ‹€μ‹œ ν•œλ²ˆ

μ •λ¦¬ν•˜λŠ” κ·Έ μ‹œκ°„μ΄

μš”κ°€ 수트라 κ³΅λΆ€ν•˜λŠ”λ°

μ€‘μš”ν•˜κ³  도움이 될 것 κ°™μ•„μ„œ


μŠ€μŠΉλ‹˜κ»˜ λ°°μ› λ˜ λ‚΄μš©μ„ λ”ν•΄μ„œ

μ •λ¦¬ν•΄λ³΄μ•˜λ‹€.



λ‹€μŒμ—λŠ” ꡬ글링 ν•΄μ„œ 더 좔가해야지.

μ–΄λ €μš΄ κ°œλ…μ΄λ‚˜,



λ‚˜μ˜ 생각, 감정듀이 μ£ΌλŠ”

κ·Έ μ—λ„ˆμ§€λ“€κ³Όμ˜ ν™•μ‹€νžˆ

μ—°κ²°λ˜μ–΄μžˆμŒμ„ λŠλ‚„ 수 μžˆμ—ˆλ‹€.












* ν”Όλ“œλ°±μ€ μ–Έμ œλ‚˜ ν™˜μ˜ν•©λ‹ˆλ‹€.

λ”°μŠ€ν•¨μœΌλ‘œ λ‚˜λˆ μ£Όμ„Έμš”.

곡감은 μ €μ—κ²Œ 희망이 λ©λ‹ˆλ‹€.🌻